Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ugly side of Malaysians

it all started with a small little girl playing her hands on the slit between the door and her wall..

she was coming into the fitting room with her as usual i had to give them a nomber plate stating the number of garments they brought when the grandma looked away the small little girl placed her finger on the slit..i dunno why but at the same time the customer trying clothes in that room opened the door so her little finger got caught..since i wasn't actually looking so i couldn't stop the customer..all i heard after that was SCREAM and CRIES from the little 1st i was like WTF what happened..i saw the little girl jumping and later i saw the customer closing the door and i saw the little girls finger..inside one of her nails is bloody red..internal bleeding..damn cham you she kept on crying and crying..

my point is...well i haven't reached that yet cause i haven't told you guys the fact is i don't think the bloody fucking customer showed any remorse over what she did..all of us was like trying to comfort the girl and stuff like that but i didn't see her anywhere near the girl..i doubt she even apologized cause from what i've heard from my colleague she just said that her mom didn't take good care of her daughter!!!! HOW BLOODY HEARTLESS CAN SHE BE!!!!! try controlling a 4-5 year old kid's matter what you say kids will be kids and they will do just about everything..chibai fucking bitch criticising others..hope she gets ugly and retarded kids..

anyway saw this really really hot chick today..and she was applying a job in SEED!!!! hope she starts during December cause i wanna know her hahahahaha..but then she's probably a collage or uni studen so most also being friends only..

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