man it all started when we were suppose to be rehearing for the Night Gathering..the Guide's said that the PA system will be set up aro.finally when we need to sound check only did we realise we don't have an extension chord..OMFG i don't know what was the Girl Guide's problem man..invite us to perform and yet don't know how to priorities on things that should be done..i mean we're like gonna use the most equipment for performance and we waited since 1pm to use the system all of a sudden no extension chord plus the cheerleaders who were there less than half an hour was using the system to practice edi..god i was damn pissed off at that..we were waiting and waiting and waiting then all of a sudden no sound check no nothing and others are using the system edi..they can kiss my freaking ass 1pm++ then we'll be playing and and jamming for a while before going back and the end the freaking PA system reached the school at 3pm then still need to set up..bloody hell he told us sound checking at 4.30pm so ok we patiently waiting ass!!!diu by 6 we didn't get to do anything so i went back home and bathed and got myself dressed up for the performance..i was just so damn pissed at the Guides..their preparation work is seriously terrible(sorry but that is the truth)..
so i went back they had everything set-up nicely but we just couldn't sound check..i met up with sonia and she put eyeliner on me which makes me have some kind of gothic looks..then li chung said i look like the bassist from Fall Out Boy..Pete something haha(sorry can't remember his full name) anyway we all went yam cha at Kanna since we can't go too fast away..went back to school chat with some fiends then finally when they were having their refreshments we went and sound check..i don't know what was the bloody guy's problem he change the setting of my amp..he said it's for the better so fine i believed him..
after we finished testing and sound checking we went back stage and get ourselves ready to rock..we went up the stage one by one via intro form the em cee of the night then we started with dirty little secret..damn man i was suppose to sing back up for li chung but then i totally forgotten about it but you can't blame me..we only decided on this like..this morning?? so we went on with i don't love i was enjoying that song so so so much..i jumped twice i was freaking awesome..finally we finished off with wake me up when september was kind of sucky lah since the sound wasn't nice at all..i couldn't hear my guitar during the song and from what i've heard..neither can the there goes my "yeng" part of the solo..i was moving and playing damn nicely yet no sound came up..stupid useless PA guy..INDIANS!!think they very good but they sucked big big big big time..even li chung said his mic was on and off at times.. when we finished and after another 2 jumps and i don't know what were we doing..we played keep your hands off my girl..OMG it was easily the worst ever song we performed..1st i couldn't hear what li chung was rapping then everyone of us was like playing different things so it was really really messy..worst of all the police arrived!!! man the Guides are useless..can't they send letters telling residents tonight will be a noisy night??is that too much to do??at least people think we're cool and chun..some dude came to us while we were in the reading corner complimenting us..saying we rocked..i'll never for that guy..he is an indian too..there's good indians out there ok AHNEY..finally before everything was finished we took some pictures syok sendiri before going home..
what an eventful day..i was dulan at 1st but it was ok in the end..still not satisfied with the PA system..stupid indian guy..anyway that was all..ICE COLD MORNING ROCKS!!
my performance look..
another pic..
me brian and li chung being really lame
the photos we took after the performance..
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