Thursday, June 26, 2008


i just found out the prefects and lps' trip to singapore is on the same weekend as our school's scout campfire..i'm feeling really dulan and disappointed..i was really expecting and hoping that my friends would come and support us since it's our last year..if i put it in a selfish way i was hoping for them to come support ME since it'll be my 1st time emcee-ing such a big event..emcee-ing is not an easy job so i really need all the support i can get..with so many of my friends being in s'pore..well i guess i'll have to be stronger on the night..

thats not the most dulan part..apparently because of 1 FUCKING PERSON they had to postpone the trip originally planned for the week before the campfire..imagine..postponing the whole trip and ruining the plans of people for the following week just because of 1 BLOODY USELESS BRAINLESS PERSON..WHO THE BLOODY HELL DOES HE/SHE THINKS HE/SHE IS.??

campfire is only 3 weeks away..the tension is seriously rising..deadlines are tighter now..i'm starting to feel the pressure..HELP ME!!

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