Monday, April 20, 2009

tyre change

my manhood has just gone up another level.. after changing car battery the other day, today i changed tyre of a car..proton perdana to be exact.. it was much harder than i anticipated because i remember seeing a family friend changing his car's tyre and it didn't look that hard.. me and ah neh spend quite a long time changing the tyre but in the end we got it done with some help from 2 bus drivers.. they were kind enough to help us out..

it's already a month since i switched to Taylor's.. time really does fly now a days.. i still remember during primary school thinking why days pass so slow but now weeks fly by rather quickly.. one by one friends start leaving us and although new friends are fun but old friends are the ones that we forged a strong bond with.. hopefully when they're studying abroad they won't forget us..

again..appreciate what we have..try not to have any regrets

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