Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Li Chung


today didn't start well at all..1st had a argument with my mom then dulan-ed until i saw my grandpa in hospital..his prostate swelled so he had to have a small operation which cost about RM8000++.. my dad has a video of the operation which is quite cool.. having thoughts of being a surgeon now.. i don't want to talk about the procedures cause it'll make you guys sick to your stomach..

after visiting my grandpa i went to 1u to celebrate Li Chung's birthday.. me, him and ah neh watch The Mummy which was kind of wasn't as bad as i thought it might be.. the best characters are the main character's brother in law and his pilot friend.. they made the movie worthwhile.. after that met up with brianC and we went for lunch in a place called Pasta Zanmai..the food was good and the price was reasonable.. during the meal we found out wei ren was not coming to 1u so we chat and chat and chat and chat.. the four of us had "man talk" session(about an hour and a half).. only brianC wasn't opening up.. he "claims" that he wasn't comfortable talking with ah neh around which i won't blame him.. brianC said i changed and Li Chung backed him up.. i don't feel much of a change at all honestly speaking.. so is the change good or bad?? i got to know more about Li Chung's historiessssss(seriously a lot of shit) since we really opened up.. but we didn't like cry or did anything like that.. overall it was a cool experience.. i talked very little which was good cause i wasn't in the mood to open up.. just told them who the 2nd girl was.. at 1st they were totally clueless but after further explanation they were like "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!".. so yeah i think it kind of shocked them??
personally i think i'm half lying to them(sorry guys).. i told them "A" but i'm not even sure of that myself.. i'm trying to ignore it since trials and SPM is coming real soon and i know i won't have the time to dwell on it but it's really bugging me for now.. so how??

anyway i found a few quotes which is kind of cool..
"winning doesn't mean always being 1st, winning means your doing better than you've done before" that's for you ah neh..
"Never break four thigns in life - Trust,Promise,Relation and Heartbecause when they break they don't make noise but pains a lot"
"everyone thinks of changing the world but never thought of changing himself"

"if you win you need not explain, but if you lose you should not be there to explain" by Hitler which is probably why he commited suicide..

i'm addicted to transylvania and obviously by McFly..actually McFly as a whole.. i hope we can perform the songs one day.. anyone having an event which my band can perform?? we're really really kidding..

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